August 12, 2016

A 9.00 am, no breakfast-appointment at the hospital …


followed by a recall at 10.00 am, because the nurse had forgotten to scan one of my organs:


In between visits (and many glasses of water) I responded to, and initiated, emails. Mr Iliff was contacted to render an informed opinion on my website’s ‘gallery’ malfunction. Then, on with preparing digital photographs of The Pictorial Bible I artworks. I’m toying with the idea of establishing links from the gallery thumbnails to either pdf or image files. The enlargement will then look like a plate page in the booklets, possess a fuller and better laid out caption, and be framed by far more empty white space. The image will be able to breath:

Sanctuary I
(Ps. 134) (1999) oil on board, 81 × 81 cm (King James Version)

Afternoon. I maintained the same trajectory: questioning my morning’s decisions (Is there a better way?), and making trial of different formats and layouts until the optimal solution presented itself.

Mid afternoon and into the evening, we hosted two old friends that I’d not seen since my wedding day. The wife’s father had been the head of music at Nantyglo Comprehensive School, Monmouthshire. He was a teacher of extraordinary commitment and energy who valued a student’s enthusiasm above that of their talent. This allowed those, such as me, who had no formal musical training and little natural aptitude for the subject (or anything else for that matter) to participate in choirs and orchestras at school and county level. Good teachers enable us to transcend our own and other people’s expectations of our potential. He taught me that incompetence was not necessarily an obstacle to success, and that a lack of confidence and a sense of inadequacy, rather than the absence of conspicuous ability, are often the greatest hindrances to achievement and the hardest to overcome:

The Madrigal Choir, Nantyglo Comprehensive School (1975)
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August 11, 2016
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August 15, 2016