December 7, 2016

8.30 am: Off to the Old College’s West Classroom. The sky was dark and sullen — wearying; clouds traversed the sky, swiftly. It was as though the morning had got up late. I’d arrived at the promenade with ten minutes to spare, and time to walk around the perimeter of the building. Around the corner, at the Cambrian:


The Old College discloses her elegances very slowly. After all these years of walking the building’s corridors, I can still be startled:


9.00 am: The first of the morning’s four MA fine art tutorials at the West Classroom. Now this is just showing off:


The group, both here and back at the mothership, are moving forward. It takes time for each student to acclimatise and establish a degree of traction. Some are discovering answers, others are better defining the question to which answers will come later, and still others casting off answers in order to formulate new questions. And so this process will go on, long after they’ve completed the MA.

11.00 am: I hurtled back to the School in time for a rapidly-downed cup of tea before climbing the staircase to my Wednesday morning tutorials with the second-year painters. I’m struck by how, in some ways, teaching undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students requires more or less the same attitude of mind and approach on my part. Hardly surprising. At each level, it’s merely two human beings puzzling over possibilities and asking one another for directions.

2.00 pm: After lunch, we held a Staff Management Committee meeting. 3.30 pm: I Skyped a prospective PhD Fine Art applicant in Canada. Towards the close of the afternoon, I schlepped amplifiers and sound producing devices up and down stairs, fitting them together, in preparation for tomorrow morning’s ‘festival of sound’. 5.20 pm: Homeward:


7.00 pm: Back at the School, to power up and program each of the sound devices in readiness for activation after 9.00 am:


8.00 pm: There was much to catch-up on.

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December 6, 2016
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December 8, 2016