November 5, 2016

7.40 am:


… and a time for reflection and a conversation between earth and heaven. 8.40 am: To town and a haircut, followed by a brief hunt and gather for eggs and vegetables at the Farmers’ Market. The greens (and the stall owners) were a little forlorn today:


9.40 pm: I made a first stab at putting together a handout for next Saturday’s Live Art: Dialogues 5 event at the School of Art’s Open Day. 10.15 am: On, once more, with the conference paper composition (along with conference booking and other pertinent practicalities). Henceforth, I’m writing against the clock.

Occasionally (if only to read someone’s writing other than my own), I dipped into Samuel Pepys’ diary. His accounts of philandering would make even Donald Trump blush. What a rogue! (Both of them.) The research for the paper is moving towards, what’s for me, new territory. This is way it ought always to be, ideally. Cecil B DeMille’s first and silent film about The Ten Commandments (1923) is divided into two parts: the first is an account the biblical story and, the second, a morality play about the consequences of disobeying the Decalogue, set in contemporary America. A kind of Rake’s Progress, if you will. Fascinating. It gives me useable metaphor for the transition between the biblical past and the present, one which underlies the fusion of the textual source and technological intervention in ‘Image and Inscription’.

Over lunch, I inserted a levelling amplifier/limiter into one of the signal paths of the sound set-up which I’ll be using at next week’s event:


2.00 pm: Then, on with a combination of writing, note making, reading, video capture, and video and picture editing for paper’s PowerPoint presentation. 5.20 pm: I have notes sufficient to start from 0 and accelerate to a 100 miles per hour at 9.00 am on Monday. ‘Enough already!’

6.30 pm: Practise session 1. 7.30 pm: An evening with my wife.

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November 4, 2016
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November 7, 2016