8.30 am. Back to school, and a morning of MA Fine Art and Art History tutorials. The students have their affairs in hand. Although, I doubt whether any one of them would recognize themselves in that description:
Some principles and observations:
- Trust neither the praise nor the criticism of others. Instead, be your own best judge.
- Nothing is ever wasted: neither our failures, nor abandonments, nor misdirection, nor cul-de-sacs.
- Resolutions come in their own time; they cannot be pre-empted.
- We are just as likely to fail for reason of being over ambitious as under ambitious. Aim for a singular, measured, and realistic response.
- The chief-end of study is no more the grade than an Oscar is the principal objective of filmmaking.
- Look only to the next step, rather than to the final outcome.
1.30 pm. A late lunch, followed by a sift through, and response to, the backlog of email that had accrued over the vacation: postgraduate applications, research inquiries, and university admin. 4.30 pm. I sent a query to the manufacturers of my PA system about a connection configuration issue with a unit on the studio rack.
6.30 pm. The cables of the the new Pedalboards I-III array needed tidying:
Tomorrow the array will be tested through the reconfigured studio rack. 7.30 pm. We were host to a Holy Trinity Church sub-committee that was convened to discuss the development of a new liturgical model for a Sunday morning service. 10.30 pm. I finalised responses to further incoming emails. 12.00 am. To bed!