April 2, 2015

9.30 pm. After a well-deserved lie in, I got back to my desk, the inevitable putting away of bits and pieces the journey, email responses, computer glitches, and desk-clearing in readiness for the bank holiday. My order of cables arrived:


Now I can proceed to finalise the ‘Image & Inscription’ equipment set-up. But, first, a radical spring clean on my studio and studio desktop areas. Always disable keyboard before cleaning it. One can inadvertently press a complex combination of keys that puts the computer into eternal hibernation:


Curious prismatic magnifications caused by droplets of glass cleaner on a computer monitor. Joan Miro would have loved this:


The new cables are attached to the new DJ mixer. All I need now is to record the process of engraving, which I’ll do after the Easter weekend:


6.20 pm Practise session 1. 7.50 pm. Off to the Arts Centre to see an (or is it ‘a’) NT Live performance of Arthur Miller’s View from the Bridge:

Screen Shot 2015-04-03 at 10.56.20

An exceptional performance in which acting, stage design, and sound design were co-equals and worked together to form a greater whole.

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April 1, 2015
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April 8, 2015

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