December 16, 2014

8.30 am. I reviewed draft of chapter section for a PhD Art History chapter before beginning Matt. 20.1 and sourcing supports for several of the print-based pieces. Then, onto ‘A Wordless Gospel’, a 33-part composit-based upon the the entirety of Mark. The source pages are taken from Welsh/English edition of the New Testament published during the First World War. The English section is printed on the recto pages throughout. these, now, need to be surgically extracted:


11.00 pm. I began scanning Mark and continued so doing until lunchtime. Much rising and sitting and positioning and ‘zzzmming’:

Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 13.19.28

2.00 pm. The pages were regularised and each assigned a biblical concept — sin, atonement, righteousness, baptism, growth, and heaven — in accordance with a corresponding theme in its text.  Next, colours will be assigned to the concepts, in accordance with the tradition of the Wordless Book, popular in evangelical missionary preaching during the nineteenth century.

6.00 pm. Christmas tree installation for all the family. 8.30 pm. The School of Art staff Christmas Dinner at Baravin:



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December 15, 2014
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December 17, 2014

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