January 14, 2015

8.30 am. I began the next verse from Matthew before the first of the morning’s feedback assessment tutorials. A cold wind blows in from the south west. It enlivens. Cumbersome clouds move sedately. 9.30 am.  We commenced with two of my own second-year painting tutees, and with three MA Fine Art students in observatory mode. (They’re like a Greek chorus commenting upon the main action. And they do so, well.) 10.00 am. A brisk walk to the Old College via the Promenade for a further assessment:



Aberystwyth is never more itself than on a grey day. 10.55 am. Back at the School, my colleague and I engaged two other students. In the background, I’m in discussion with a DVD production company. I need a medium that will accommodate the not inconsiderable length of The Floating Bible sound artwork.

1.30 pm. Back at home, I completed the morning’s verse. Another page ticked off:


2.20 pm. After making a number of temporal calculations for the conjectural DVD project (which has grown into a triple-disc affair), I went back into the studio.  The final panel for the ‘Image & Superscription’ series has arrived from my expert carpenter in Ipswich:


On with masking/painting and framing the object-based work ‘Presentient: My Mother’s New Testament’. This, against the background of a further series of email exchanges with the DVD masterer. What will all this cost?

7.30 pm. I completed ‘Presentient’ and returned to the caption compositions, which I’d begun yesterday evening. A caption further authenticates the work’s identity.

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January 15, 2015

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