8.30 am. Into the School. The anticipated order of the day had to be changed. Consequently, I had time to begin settling my teaching diary for the semester and the dates for the final delivery of the Chapels in Wales module:
9.45 am. An MA Fine Art tutorial in the context of a productively messy studio. Painting insists upon its own space:
11.00 am. Sourcing and, then, a return to the relative cleanliness and order of my own studio space (appropriate to the work). I continued with the fourth panel in the ‘Image & Superscription’ series, added a layer to ‘YHWH‘, and primed a board in readiness for ‘Chi Rho‘:
4.20 pm. Like Moses’s bush: the houses burned with fire, and the houses were not consumed:
6.30 pm. Practise session 1. Right and left hand coordination exercises. 7.30 pm. Back to writing. There’s an art in knowing just how how much to explain and what must remain obscure.