January 23, 2015

The morning began with an excursion into town and to the School. 9.30 am. I resized ‘Preaching = Painting’ in the light of yesterday’s unresolvable failure to convert one version of the artwork into an image file. However, the successful file conversion of one  image only is sufficient to articulate the idea. And, sufficiency is preferable to excess. Even if excess, in this case, is only one image more. 10.00 am. Into the studio, and on with layering ‘YHWH‘, finalising ‘Chi Rho‘, and beginning the second and last phase of the ‘Image & Superscription’ series. Small errors are routed:


Strategic and localised re-masking is called for:


3.30 pm. In the midst of painting, I fielded ideas, with our Humanities Research Officer, in response to an art-science grant application call. Notions of auditory illusions, mental states, clinical ‘wellness’, and the objective reconstruction of subjective sound phenomenon are in the air. 5.00 pm. The first of the four ‘Image & Superscription’ panels was completed. I returned, too, to ‘Trust in Thy Word’, and applied more layers of emulsion over the physical grid on its surface. The painting isn’t yet sufficiently consolidated, luminous and reflective.

6.30 pm. Practise session 1. An exploration of Pedalboard I’s sonic potential, one effecter at a time, and then in pairs. I’m getting close to the tonality that is in my mind’s ear. 7.30 pm. I need to nail down the lectures for the Chapels in Wales module (for the last time):


9.45 pm. Practise Session 2. Fun with a ring modulator.

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January 22, 2015
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January 24, 2015

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