July 28, 2015

Things change — and, if for the better — then let them (email, 28 07 15).

9.00 am. A time of reckoning before making a response to one reference request and various queries and negotiations. 10.00 am. I revised and finalised yesterday evening’s text on the ‘Image & Inscription’ project. Of this sound work, much could be said. But sufficiency and economy are the watchwords. More needed to be removed and added to the account than I’d anticipated. As I wrote, emails about the open-studio event trafficked back and forth. The two copies of a vinyl record, made from the recordings that I’d captured on 22 June at the National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales, arrived:


Each record has only three short tracks: one of the Second Commandment spoken in Welsh, another of the same, in English, and yet another of the two translations running in parallel. These will be manipulated on DJ decks during the open-studio event.

1.40 pm. More of the same. The sense of sufficiency is now evident. If you can explain something clearly to someone else, then you probably understand what you’re doing. It’s been sad to hear the news that the University of South Wales is closing its Caerleon campus. In the days of Gwent College of Higher Education, of which my art school was a reluctant part, the campus halls of residence were open to arts students, of which I was one:

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4.30 pm. The publicity page for ‘Image & Inscription‘ was finished:

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Thereafter, I communicated the particulars of the conspectus to the School and National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales. This outline took as long as it needed to complete, but longer than I had time to devote to it. ‘Pedal faster!’

7.30 pm. Some family fun setting up a new router. Our latest service provider doesn’t route its response to queries via Thiruvananthapuram, or whatever. Polite to a fault though the operatives at call-centres are, they do tend to hold to the script too tightly. When needed, a little lateral thinking gets you further, faster. 8.45 pm. Ward rounds. I made an email response to an ailing PhD student who’s currently laid up in one of the loveliest parts of England, and messaged another who’s on the road to recovery further along the same coastline.

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July 27, 2015
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August 15, 2015

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