July 5, 2016


9.00 am. I examined my new JHS Muffaletta Fuzz pedal. Boutique pedals are one of my great pleasures. Little boxes with knobs. This one captures the ‘voices’ of several versions of the classic Big Muff fuzz pedal, which was first manufactured around 1969. I’ll put it through its paces during the evening’s practice session.

On, then, with research correspondence. Thereafter, the audio track masters were posted to the record company; the booklet and track text, sent to the National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales for translation into Wales; and the high resolution digitised image of one Port Talbot Steelwork glass-plate photograph, dispatched to Professor Zwigglaar at Computer Science. We can now begin to the process of forensic visual analysis with a view to extracting a bitstream for sound conversion.

Back to the CD. I’ve decided to create an on-line access site of bonus material. The tracks aren’t qualitatively different from those included on the album proper. They were omitted from the ‘core product’ for two reasons: 1. Because there were already sufficient tracks of the same type on the CD; and 2. In order to preserve the balance between the overall length of the two discs that comprise the release. An album is no different to an exhibition in these respects. Sufficiency and totality are the watch words. An exhibition is not an opportunity to show off everything that one has produced within a given period. Instead, it should present the best, most coherent, and representative work. And, smaller exhibitions can often have more clout than large ones. Always err on the side of less, rather than of more.

The website’s logo awaits a design. The descriptor ‘no art’, together a neutral mid grey square, summons ideas that extend far beyond their denotative function:

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Throughout the day, I worked on the text for this website. There will be eight tracks on the album. For most of the afternoon, I looked up (as far as it was possible), medical terms that corresponded to, sometimes, ill-pronounced descriptions of heart and circulatory diseases, which form the basis of the ‘found lyric’ for one of the sound works:

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In the evening, I began importing text and track images into the website. Ensuring consistency across all the sites, the albums, and the booklet is a formidable task.

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July 6, 2016

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