8.30 am. Off to School, and on with processing further postgraduate applications. (What a year it has been in this respect!) Judy Macklin’s course on Imaging Landscape has been in progress over the last few days. It’s heartening to see mature students liberated from the shackles of unconfidence, and learning to, for the first time, find a voice that has been muffled by a lack of encouragement and low expectations. Why can’t art be taught like this in secondary school?. (My ‘O’-level art teacher actively dissuaded me from taking art any further):
At 9.45 pm the Art History and Final Exam boards were convened:
Exam board meetings are an education. The role of the External Examiner can’t be over estimated. They observe the conduct and outcome of modules, as well as individual student performance, from a greater distance than can we as School staff. They, too, comprehend the totality, whereas we can see only in ‘aspect mode’. The board is also one of the few occasions when, as academics, we can sit down with a colleague who works in another institution and share experiences.
A family of seagulls have, once again, established their home at the back of the School. One of the adults squawks in cautionary tones, perpetually. A noisome bother; but you can’t fault the sincerity and effectiveness of its parenting:
Two MA Fine Art students postponed their tutorials today. But their were other responsibilities waiting in the wings. Bits and pieces related to postgraduate monitoring began to stack at the top of my inbox. I’ll deal with these tomorrow. (This is organisation and not prevarication.) At this time of the year, I spring clean my computer-based admin: either deleting files and folders or else redepositing them in their correct location. These were the tasks for the afternoon and evening.