8.30 pm. Exhibition TV screen 2 has behavioural problems. The monitors will be monitored. 9.00 am. Admin emails are eased into the Outbox. 10.00 am. On with research arrangements — pushing forward the SIP sound archive project (and the ‘Graven Image III’ event, especially), as well as a public lecture on the R R B V E Ǝ T N Ƨ O A project. Making art is the easy bit. The hardest part is funding, promoting, and facilitating the production. It’s one thing to coerce materials, processes, and ideas into a coherent shape; but persuading others to back one’s vision is a task of an entirely different order.
11.00 am. The ‘Graven Image III’ project is a sound articulation of the first part of the Second Commandment, as translated in the King James Version of the Bible (1611):
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: (Exod. 20.4).
I’ll also be using a Welsh translation of the same text, taken from the Bishop William Morgan’s (1545-1604) Bible of 1588:
11.45 pm. A walk to the School. Why does a visual incident insist upon our attention on one occasion and not others? What prepared us to be receptive to its beckon? (I referred to Christmas Evans, the one-eyed Baptist preacher, in the Chapels in Wales lecture yesterday (?)):
12.30 pm. The first of two MA inquirer consultations. 2.00 pm. The second. In such meetings, I often encounter people who are in transit — moving from one career, from one set of expectations about life, to another. My first intent is to dissuade them from embarking upon the degree: ‘If there’s any other alternative to studying art, take it’. If they relent, and abandon the proposed path, I’ll have done them a favour. (They were, for whatever reason, unready or unprepared.) If they persist, I’ll have done them a favour. (Their conviction will have been strengthened.)
2.45 pm. Back to the ‘Graven Image III’ project, reviewing the second-stage proofs of the wax cylinder project chapter, and undertaking general searches of the sound archive catalogue. 3.30 pm. An interesting idea is not necessarily a good idea. A good idea stands up under scrutiny. To scrutinize one must first interrogate:
View the idea from different perspectives; take it apart; fit in back together in a different way; and see whether it remains consistent.
6.20 pm. Practise session 1: harmonics and overtones: 2nds, 3rds, 5ths, and 7ths. 7.30 pm. 7.30 pm. On with the SIP project survey. 9.45 pm. I need an earlier night’s sleep.