A mysterious semblance on the School’s staircase. Signs and wonders:
8.50 am. I made a tour of the studios with a view to identifying anomalies, minor deficiencies, and troubling uncertainties in both the general presentation and particular contributions. Given the number of students exhibiting, it’s astonishing that we achieve such a degree of consistency. Afterwards, I made a start on my third year Research and Process in Practice submissions:
Then, on to the second year equivalent for that module — Professional Practice — and an assessment of several of the students’ weblogs. One has to be market savvy from the outset of one’s career these days. In my day, we were clueless about such things … and remained so. On completion, after lunch, I returned to my Research and Process in Practice project assessments.
After a spontaneous dinner at ‘Spoons with my wife, and a little TV respite watching a programme about the digital preservation of the deceased’s consciousness (I despaired), I brazened the British Landscape exam scripts for the remainder of the evening. The seen paper is a rigorous test. Its sorts out the exceptional from the good, and the good from the less able student, like nothing else. While the preparation may not be all, it contributes significantly to securing success.