September 18, 2015

8.30 am. I returned to YouTubery for the first half of the morning. There’re many other tasks pressing down on my time at the moment; but unless I set up this means of dissemination and promotion now, it’ll lie fallow until the Christmas vacation:

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The requirement to get one’s work ‘out there’ is constant. While the effort absorbs time and energies that might otherwise be expended on more directly creative enterprises, these enterprises will be of no benefit without it. Making art is the easy bit; financing and marketing it … now that takes real talent and imagination, and considerable fortitude.

One of my objectives this semester is to master Apple Final Cut Pro X. Some of my tutees will be by tutors in this endeavour, no doubt. I don’t yet have sufficient control over video making and editing; I’m too reliant on others. Not good enough!

11.00 am: tea up:


After updating several of my module Facebook pages with teasers and information, I bashed on with the final phase of the fifth Abstraction lecture.

2.00 pm. Off to School to eye the troops. Conclusions are being reached:


On to Mondrian. A breath of sane air fills the study. And, I’m back to Calvinism, the Netherlands, and Saenredam again. The commonalities shared by Neo-Calvinism and Theosophy are striking.

7.30 pm. An old friend from my undergraduate days came to stay. She has a daughter studying at the university. It’s always good to catch-up. I pushed on towards the later section of the lecture. This’ll be completed tomorrow morning.

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September 17, 2015
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September 19, 2015

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