9.00 am. A spot of Farmers’ Marketeering and a little Lidling. Lidl is a down-to-earth supermarket in the mould of deceased stalwarts like Gateway, Kwik Save, International, Somerfield, and the original Coop (pronounced ‘Quorp’ in South Wales). Eggs are very reasonably priced here:
10.15 am. The fifth push forward with lecture 4 for the Abstraction module, until 12.00 pm. After which, I made a first stab at writing-up a description for ‘The Wounded Heart Ministries’ sound work. One only need say enough, and as concisely and precisely as wit will permit:
2.00 pm. I reviewed the samples of engraved sounds, derived from the Welsh and English texts of the second commandment, in preparation for the ‘Image & Inscription’ event, which will held at the National Screen & Sound Archive in a few weeks. The tracks required colour-coding before processing could resume:
5.10 pm. I uploaded ‘The Wounded Heart Ministries’ track to my website. The site needs a little overhaul. I have better mixes of some of the earlier tracks and albums, many of which will be incorporated into the new CD:
Even though the track sounds exactly the same as when I’m playing it on my desktop sound software, hearing it on a public site puts it at a distance from me. It’s like standing back from a picture after the last brushstroke has fallen. 5.20 pm. ‘Stop!’ 7.30 pm. An evening with the family.