September 7, 2015

Routinely: 7.30 am. The morning’s nourishment: a small bowl of oat and fruit cereal (I’m a cerealist), a yogurt drink, a medium-boiled egg, and a pot of PG Tips, washed down with BBC Radio 4 news:


8.00 am. The morning’s nourishment: readings from the Psalms and the Book of Common Prayer:


8.45 am. Fortified, I head for School accompanied by Dr Webster along the Llanbadarn and Buarth Roads. The painters are making a final push to complete the redecoration of the interior by the end of this week, in readiness for Open Day:


9.00 am. An hour of petty admin, that was: emails to Information Services about emails, failed trip-notes, and website malfunctions; a tentative review of next semester’s diary and timetable; and a form-filling-in job reference for a sparkling former student. (Always a pleasure). 10.00 am. A late MA inquirer’s discussion. 11.00 am. A double-whopper postgraduate art history tutorial with Nicole, who’s on her final lap:


Some principles and observations from this morning’s engagements:

  • Why are we surprised when, having committed ourselves to dispiriting grind, determined to be resolute, learned from our past defeats, and firmly understood what the work requires of us, we either improve or succeed?
  • There is a risk involved in any new venture. One might be exposed, overwhelmed, cast adrift, court failure. Alternatively, one’s life could be changed immeasurably and for the better. Such a possibility make some risks worth taking.
  • Darkness and light, acting together, are necessary to model form. So, too, our limitations as much as our capacities shape the outcome of our endeavours.

2.00 pm. The final push with the fourth Abstraction lecture. This would preoccupy me until late evening. 9.30 pm. Practise session 2.

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