October 6, 2016

8.15 am: Off to School to set up the lecture for the first Art/Sound lecture at 9.00 am. Returning to lecturing after a six month hiatus over the Summer is an unnerving process. It takes time to find the groove – the pace, the timing, the tone, and connection with your audience – again. It’s all theatre.

10.15 am: Dr Forster and I introduced the painting modules to the second year students and settled them into their studio spaces. The third year were dispatched accordingly, at 12.00pm.  The time of pep-talks is over. The burden of responsibility largely rests on their shoulders, now:


Everything I turned my hand leaves an admin slug trail in its wake. In between informal tutorials, disposals of advice, and chivvying and chiding, I caught up on registers, uploads to Blackboard, and varieties of correspondence that were so swiftly exchanged, they didn’t have time to impress themselves upon my memory. ‘Did I do …?, I asked myself, repeatedly.

I received a lovely parting gift from one of our retiring MA students. Very me. And much appreciated:


An afternoon of periodic visits to the studio, to help boot up my third year painters for the week ahead, was interrupted by on-going postgraduate admin and varieties of notification and register updating.

Evening. On with the CD website construction. (This is tiresome. But necessity makes it bearable.)  On Facebook, I published two two bodies of work that emerged from a creative engagement with one of my third-year painters in 2014. They explored ideas and processes related to generative drawing, concealment, and duplicity. The works were, in this respect, pedogeological tools, and foremost — a way of teaching through doing together:


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October 5, 2016
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October 10, 2016