PhD Art History
Art-history research supervision topics include: biblical studies and Christian theology and visual culture; contemporary art; landscape; Modernism (in Europe and USA); Postmodernism; Protestantism and visual arts; sound and art; theology and the arts; visual culture of religion; and Wales and art.
1995 to 2015
Greenwood, David, ‘Visual Representations of the Numinous: a Philosophical, Art Historical and Theological Enquiry 1780-1880’ (2015).
Constanze Wilken, ‘Artists Colonies on the Island of Sylt’ (2004).
PhD Fine Art
Practice-based research supervision topics include: drawing, painting, and photography, systems and process-based art, sound art, and religion)
2000 to 2022
Mills, Carmen, ‘Seeing the Invisible through the Archaeological Imagination’ (2023).
Harrisson, Eileen, ‘A sorrowful Healing: Reflections in Stitch, Sound and Word on the Conflict of the Troubles and Peace gained’ (2023).
Wildig, Anna, ‘Memento Vivere (Remember to Live): Perspectives on Pills and Painting’ (2023).
Blackburn, Adam, ‘Unforeseen Possibilities: The Agency of Indeterminacy’ (2022).
Ruddock, Julian, [visual representations of climate change] [Student jointly supervised by staff at the Earth Sciences Department, Aberystwyth University, Wales] (2017).
Woodley, Frances, ‘Speak to Me: Contemporary Conversations with the Still-Life Tradition’ (2017).
Fraser-Hughes, Susan, ‘Sympathetic Resonance: From Sense of Place to Sense of Self’ [Student jointly supervised by staff at the Department of Art, University of Calgary, Canada] (2017).
Roberts, Michael, ‘Imaging the Face: An Investigation into Hyperrealist depictions of the human Facial Surface’ (2014).
Hayes, Maria, ‘Learning to Dance on the Page’ (2013).
O’Rourke, John, ‘East-West-Occult: Esotericism through Fine Art Practice, Autobiographical Referencing and Historical Research’ (2011).
Webster, Catrin, ‘Intimate Distance’ (2010).
Davis, Peter, ‘An Investigation of the Photographic Representation is Woodland and Forests’ (2009).
Webster, Christopher, ‘Photography and the Metaphysical’ (2007).
External Examining: PhD Art History & Biblical Studies, and PhD Fine Art
Sunil Chandra, ‘Hearing Gidden and Silenced Voices through Sound Art Practice in the Reading Aloud of the Bible’, University of the Arts, London (2023).
Kathryn Hughes, ‘Bio-rhythms/Digi-rhythms: Synthesizing the Digitally-Mediated Body Through Performative Methodologies’, University of Wales Trinity St David (2020).
Shoena Beaumont, ‘The Bible in/as Photography: Towards a Photo-Biblical Hermeneutic’, University of Cheltenham and Gloucester (2017).
Richard Monahan, ‘‘Drawing Conclusions: An Investigation into the Possibility of Discernable Influence of Drawing Within Other Art Practice’, Trinity College St David’s, Swansea (2016).
Philip Jacob’s, ‘Reception History of Joseph the Carpenter’, Department of Theology and Religious Studies’, Bangor University (2013).
Geraint Davies,‘Numbers, Dimensions, Perceptions: Resonances from Dürer’s Melencholia I’, School of Art, University of Newport (2012).
Su-Lien Hseih, ‘Buddhist Meditation as and in Art Practice’, Department of Art, University of Northumbria (2010).
Benjamin Morse, ‘The Bible and Its Modern Methods: Interpretation Between Art and Text’, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Glasgow (2008).
Donald Orr, ‘Into the Light’, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Glasgow (2008).
Contribution to Postgraduate Research Training and Staff Development Programs
Ways of Working with Sound
Writing a PhD Thesis
Self-Reflective Writing and Analysis
Preparing a Conference Paper
Preparing for Research Supervision
Preparing to be an Internal Examiner
Advanced Research Methods