December 17, 2014

9.00 am. A time for a clearing of the desk and a putting away of things:


10.45 am. The first of three PhD tutorials today. 12.30 pm. Followed immediately by a second. Much meat for encouragement: things proceeding; things coming to an end. 1.30 pm. Lunch on the hoof before a final, off schedule, painting tutorial at the Old College — one which yielded an unexpected surprise departure, and anticipated a fresh and vital fusion in the coming semester.

3.15 pm.  Back at the School, I took a first look at the cover and booklet for the new Evan Roberts CD. It looks good. The problem of setting out a bilingual text is exacerbated by the limit’s of the case’s size. However, the designer has managed to either segregate or otherwise distinguish the two languages as well as any could, I suspect:

Screen Shot 2014-12-17 at 16.08.06

Afterwards, I proof read an entry for the Schools provision in the new university prospectus before awaiting my final PhD tutee of the day to turn up. 4.15 pm. A ‘boring’ tutorial with a PhD tutee who’s recently returned from Addis Ababa and a fascinating core-sampling expedition. We ‘drilled-down’ through the science to the metaphor.

7.00 pm. The family attended the Penglais School Awards evening at the Great Hall, Aberystwyth Arts Centre. My younger son received the music prize — which is not something of which I would have  been remotely capable when I was his age. The sound master of the CD has arrived. I’ll need to review the post-production work tomorrow.

10.30 pm. The ‘night watch’. I proof-read and made comments on the CD cover text and layout for the designer, and completed Matt. 20.2 and another page of verses thereby:


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December 16, 2014
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December 18, 2014

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